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Greetings, Thank you for your interest in our clipper one on one class. This class does not give you a professional license to cut hair publicly however it does give each student the basic tools they need to cut their own hair or family members in their household. This class is best for students that have some type of understanding of the clippers and confidence when using the clippers. Our intentions of this class is to give you the information and hands on training that you can't get from watching YouTube videos. 

We value our members and we always aim to create an experience like no other!  BNW is a referral-membership based company. Fill out the info below, then click "Done" to signup for class. We will contact you within 48hrs to setup your consultation!  

Thank for your interest in BNW Mobile Clipper One on One and we look forward to connecting with you! 

What are you most interested in?
Are You A Licensed Barber?
How did you hear about us?
Will you be able to supply your own model?
What size shirt do you wear?
Upload A Current Picture of Yourself.
Sign Up: Sales Lead
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